رئيس مجلس الادارة : إيهاب مباشر

رئيس التحرير : حنان الشايب

A device enables you to earn some bitcoin off your own dick pictures |

Inside the period of hacks and safety flaws, numerous interwebs people share equivalent lament: “Can’t we simply have a protected method to discuss our very own penis pics making some Bitcoin off of them?”

Fortunate for your family, live cam system CamSoda is here now to mix an age-old sex video game utilizing the
blockchain phenomenon
to generate a brand new device called CockBlockchain.

The company hails it a method to properly and anonymously discuss the personal stash of close selfies, steering clear of underage consumers, acquiring catfished, and possibly, simply possibly, create only a little coin off your bits.

Get it?

Coin from your parts?



Discover how it apparently operates, according to their own pr release. Once consumers join an account, they’re able to simply take images of the private parts, which have been after that validated by CamSoda’s “penis- and vagina-recognition technology (PVRT).” An individual contributes a 20-characters-or-less description for their private profile to entice others to interact.

You can easily request to see other’s photos, there’s also a listing of who’s wanted to see your naughty parts — and it also lets you choose exactly who extends to visit your stuff. You’ll be able to exchange more photographs or even exchange Bitcoin.

Using blockchain means better security for the change of the photos (besides the power to rack of cryptocurrency for much more opinions of your rubbish).

Today, it’s heartening observe that both sides must concur when it comes down to sharing of photographs to occur because, really, permission! But there are still some questions on how, precisely, will this work?

Some are logistical. Including:

  • The length of time made it happen decide to try perfect this genitalia acceptance technologies in a period of time where


    identification is still establishing?

  • Will it know boobs, too?

  • How will you entice someone to glance at an image of your junk in 20 figures or significantly less?

  • How might this restrict getting catfished?

But, in addition, how will you encourage someone to look at an image of your rubbish in 20 figures or significantly less?

For now, the questions would have to remain unanswered as CockBlockchain isn’t really right here, however nevertheless might be shortly after which we’ll loose time waiting for another person to use it and let me know how it goes.


2023/09/23 10:45ص تعليق 0 40

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